BRepAlgoAPI_Section - OpenCascade 6.1

The face is sectioned (BRepAlgoAPI_Section) with a plane parallel to the xz-plane. The result is not correct - empty shape.
The same face is processed well in the OC 5.2, with the usage of BRepAlgo_Section class.

Correct section

Cutting plane is parallel with the xz-plane

The situation can be repeated easily by calling the testing function Cut_Test included in the attached section_test.cpp file.
The testing face file - sectioned.dta file - should be saved to root c: folder.
BRepAlgoAPI_Section gives correct result with e. g. a face stored in the sectioned_ok.dta file.


Testing function - msvc++:

Testing face:
sectioned.dta or sectioned.brep

Correctly sectioned face:
sectioned_ok.dta or sectioned_ok.brep

Send me, please, any suggestions to or to the OC forum thread connected to this problem.